What is Soul Retrieval Therapy
Have you ever wondered, “What is soul retrieval therapy?”
You may have heard this term before, and it may seem like a mystical concept. I promise you that it is not, once we understand the overall encompassing spectrum of our energetic system. In this writing I plan to break this all down with examples.
Soul Retrieval is a type of energy healing where an Energy Healer helps you enter a state of openness in order to return fractured parts of your energy back to you.
It is a sacred journey into other realms to retrieve fragments of your psyche that may have splintered during traumatic events in your life or in past lives. Traditionally, this process was performed by a Shaman who would have taken care of the spiritual health of the individuals in the village.
In my many years of helping people become energetically whole, Soul Retrieval has been one important modality that I use to integrate vital parts of a person back to them. This therapy goes hand in hand with many other areas of holistic energy therapy.
As I work with clients, Soul Retrieval Therapy is a key part of the whole spectrum of work I do in Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy sessions, especially in the area of current, and past life, regression.
How does Soul Retrieval Therapy work?
Soul Retrieval works by returning us to energetic wholeness. We all have situations that might cause us to close parts of ourselves off from pain, Soul Retrieval is a therapy that can help us heal this quickly and directly.
No matter who we are, when we encounter situations in our lives that are just too painful to absorb, soul loss can occur. What this means is that a part of our being becomes disconnected from the whole and is suspended in time and space.
This happens on an energetic level, and we are usually not aware of it. However, we certainly feel it as a loss of energy. We notice it in a loss of our own ‘way of being’ even though we may not be conscious of this change in our energy.
Signs that your energy may not be whole
While we may be completely unaware that this has occurred, we will notice that things just don’t feel ‘right’. And, as a consequence of this loss, we may feel or experience the following:
A general sense of weakness in life without being able to trace it
Self-manipulating patterns and blocks that keep us from thriving
Gaps in memory, especially from childhood events
A feeling of instability of the physical body, and a lack of motivation to complete tasks
A lack of aspects, which should be part of the human experience like joy, playfulness, vision, excitement etc.
An inability to achieve the bigger things in life, even though we do all the seemingly necessary outward affirmations and tasks
A feeling of being lost, with an innate knowing that we’re just not whole
Not acting like ourselves, feeling disconnected
These are only a few examples of how these missing aspects can affect one's life. There is other evidence that can indicate our need for Soul Retrieval, as well.
How your soul calls to you
Many times we can find ourselves drawn to certain places without consciously knowing why. This pull is there toward a region that we seemingly have no connection to.
We feel this because it is literally a call of our soul to reunite with forgotten parts of us.
This is why we sometimes choose to go on vacation to countries, or even live in certain places, without understanding the strong pull to such choices.
It is simply because there is our soul’s longing to return parts of our energy back to us. This can also be felt in how we are particularly drawn to certain people, sometimes to our own detriment. It is because of the interconnectedness we have with their energy over many lifetimes.
How does Soul Retrieval work in helping us return to wholeness?
Soul Retrieval works by going back to the original cause and finding the splintered parts of our energy and returning them back to us, whole and healed.
These parts are then freed and no longer trapped in a state of ‘frozenness’ somewhere between time and space. Instead, they are now integrated back to us.
When we have many of our ‘parts’ missing, other energies can enter. After a while, we forget the difference between where we begin and something else leaves off, as this blending can be subtle over many experiences and can be felt as a ‘loss of self’.
In Soul Retrieval work, when all of this is integrated, a person can finally come to know what they really like and prefer as for the first time, ever, they feel a sense of completeness. Their intuitive connectedness and trusting their inner voice no longer has interference, leaving a deep sense of self-confidence.
Having our energy returned back to us, we experience heightened clarity and vitality. In addition, we find that traumatic events no longer have the same charge or effect on us. We are set free to expand in our life as we are fully back to ourselves, without limitations and without the chains that can be felt from the karmic intermingling.
In next week’s Blog Post, I will share experiences from my practice, and how a Soul Retrieval session is performed