A Return to Wholeness
Reflecting on this past year, the words ‘A return to Wholeness’ resound throughout my system and land somewhere deep in my root.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that all of our foundations have been shaken up.
No matter where we began on this journey leading to this very day, we are all meeting at this moment in time, actively participating in history.
And depending on which direction we have been looking, our reality can seem very different.
However, we have all been witness to the same events in our country and the world, and many of us have felt in our gut that something just has not been right.
But this feeling didn't start there for me. It began probably about six years ago when the stories projected by the mainstream media simply did not match my observations anymore.
This discrepancy continued to grow over the years, and then in 2020, it became even more apparent that the truths I already knew did not match up with the mainstream narrative.
The truth is that so many in this world have been led astray by corruption and have lost their moral compass.
Things appear to continue spiraling downward, with so much fear and loss of freedom taking place and the uncertainty and worries we carry for our world, as well as our individual livelihoods.
And yet, what also has become clear is that growth, beauty, and happiness can be experienced even in the middle of such uncertainty. We become stronger and more united in our common values and integrity to what is true and what is right because, in times of uncertainty, we find what really drives us.
Pulling the Curtain back on False Illusions
A lot is still hidden by so much manipulation and deceit, rooted in an outdated, broken system of division. We have all seen what little time it took for our basic human rights to be restricted, for us to be distanced, and polarized.
There will be many more challenges in this coming year and beyond because in our 3D reality, this is where we are energetically at this precipice in time, as this world is built on duality.
A return to wholeness is not just wishful thinking. There is always meant to be a balance, and when the pendulum has swung too far, it is inevitable that it will come back to center, as it naturally must. The steadiness and rhythm of the Universe guide everything, on a much larger scale, from chaos to order, by Divine design.
When I look at nature and see the beauty and perfection of creation and the natural patterns and cycles so beautifully illustrated, I am reminded that all will be set right again in a world that has lost its way.
One of my core teachings is that the things we are looking for are never found outside of us, but are actually sourced from our inner spiritual core.
And, since what we are experiencing right now in our world will certainly not go away overnight,
it is essential that we know how to return to wholeness within ourselves to navigate the years ahead.
The Balance of Divine Order
There has been an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies in our reality and,
a move toward the Sacred Feminine is part of that Divine order, which brings a return to wholeness.
In my gut, I know that balance will return, and the Sacred Feminine will once again take her place here, which will usher in an era of love, honor, compassion, and kindness.
A time where we can all live in freedom and flourish, in wholeness, where all parts of the ecosystem respect and honor each other, and where individuality is treasured while finding common ground. All outdated structures will have no choice but to fall away, eventually.
Within this, we must be the ones who make healing ourselves a priority and commit to healing our own ancestral line, so the shift to wholeness can begin with us.
We have a responsibility to be the leaders and makers of a world where humanity wakes up from this dream of separation and where the truth, of all that is, comes forward.
There are seasons for everything, and this too shall pass. It is crucial at this stage to protect our rights, especially free speech, individual freedoms, and research for truth.
We are called to hold a vision for the highest and best timeline for our planet, humanity, and all living beings.
Let’s remind ourselves that things are always in motion, there is so much wellness, and all is already done. Miracles are always flowing into every part of our reality!
Recently, as my heart felt heavy for our current situation and I connected to my higher guidance, this prayer came through me to share it with everyone who is drawn to hold the highest vision with me.
Prayer for our World
“On this day, and all the days to come…
May Divine Providence be the guiding principle in our World.
Let True Light pour into every particle and every cellular structure in existence, and dissolve all that is not sacred and holy.
May every being wake up from the false illusion of lack and separation and let all distortions fall away.
Let all be held in Divine Grace and truly live in wholeness and wellness.
May we be protected and guided by the highest energies in this Universe,
and be in truth and integrity in all our actions.
Let there be freedom with respect for our uniqueness and differences.
May all of creation live with love, honor, compassion, and kindness.
And may all that is good flourish for the highest and best for this planet and all living beings!
And so it is, and so it is, and so it is!”
The importance of holding the vision for Wholeness
If there was ever a time, then this is our moment to be in our authenticity, wisdom, and leadership because it only takes one generation to shift into a completely different societal structure.
As a collective of leaders, teachers, healers and guides to our children and our communities, it is up to us to hold a space for truth, courage, justice, freedom, integrity, and most of all, Divine grace!
It starts with remembering our inner power and beauty and the guidance we always have available, as well as expressing and teaching these principles to others.
When we are in stillness, we can feel the energy and movement of timelines within and around ourselves and, within this sacred space, we can hold that vision for the highest timeline.
Trusting in the process, while not being passive, is the key that will get us through our challenges. We are all part of this multidimensional, living, breathing quantum fractal reality. I can feel the deep love and support from a much higher plane, which is always here for all of us at every moment.
Know that you were made for this, as you are here in this time and this space.
Your soul is guiding you, and you are not alone. Together, we’ve got this!
Sending waves of kindness, understanding, compassion, connection, and healing into the ethers today and always!