Into the Sacred Feminine
For the Women of this World
I’ll just come right out and say that I know you have been feeling this also, as so many of us have…
We have experienced an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies on this planet now for a long time, actually for the past 9000 years to be more precise!
And we can see it reflected in the way we, as a society, function.
As we truly look around us, the fact that we are not empowered in our womanhood becomes very obvious. And what I refer to here is true femininity, our natural qualities, instead of the idea of ‘toughness’ and competition.
A big part of our connection to our body has been completely lost, or at the very least, neglected over the centuries. Through the mainstream, we are not properly taught the ways of puberty nor pregnancy and are especially not guided to safeguard the sacredness of childbirth.
Nursing women can sometimes still find themselves shamed in public places when breastfeeding their babies when this is the most natural aspect of caring for our little ones. Menopause is brushed off as well and many times even made fun of.
And instead of honoring all of these natural cycles and truly tuning into our bodies, we are given quick fixes, artificial hormones, or many times even have our feminine parts removed, either for the sake of convenience or often in the shroud of unknowing.
In addition, women's bodies are objectified as sexual objects everywhere, and our body image has been distorted by the projection of so-called beauty in our media.
We are not encouraged to see our bodies as the sacred vessels that they are, and the life-giving miracles that they hold, regardless if we ever birth children into this world or not.
Our feminine truth is that we are the carrier of the Divine Creative Principle in all our actions, yet we forget to see how much beauty and power there is in this.
Emotions are made out to be something indulgent, to glance over and ignore. We do not nurture our creative side enough on a daily basis and miss the understanding of its importance in creating a playful space where new ideas can flow.
And we have forgotten how to move within the natural cycles, how they affect every day in our lives, and how we can maximize their potential to truly create our lives in harmony with the elements.
Instead, we are taught to constantly compare ourselves to others, to judge our bodies for their imperfections, and to never feel quite ‘done’ or ‘whole’.
When we know how to align with the Sacred Feminine within and how to work with the natural cycles which are meant to support us, we are flourishing our beauty in the most organic and empowered ways.
So, it is up to us, here and now, to change the paradigms, to move towards the Sacred Feminine, and anchor the energy of the Goddess here on earth once again.
And it begins from the inside out, within each of us!
We are being called to hold a vision for the highest and best timeline for our planet, humanity, and all living beings, and to usher in an era of love, honor, compassion, and kindness.
Striving toward a time where we can all live in freedom and flourish, in wholeness, where all parts of the ecosystem respect and honor each other, and where individuality is treasured while finding common ground.
All outdated structures will have no choice but to fall away, eventually.
Within this, we must be the ones who make healing ourselves a priority and commit to healing our own ancestral line, so the shift to wholeness can begin with us.
We have a responsibility to be the leaders and makers of a world where humanity wakes up from this dream of separation and where the truth of all that is comes forward.
Let there be a reality, where True Light pours into every particle and every cellular structure in existence and dissolves all that is not sacred and holy.
It is time for the Divine Providence of the Sacred Mother, the Priestess, the Sage, to be the guiding principle in our World once again.
When every being begins to wake up from the false illusion of lack and separation and all distortions fall away, freedom with respect for our uniqueness and differences can flourish.
When women are empowered in their Goddess energy, and men are encouraged to honor their feminine qualities, their inner spiritual core becomes strong and their expressions are balanced.
I believe it is vital that we know how to return to wholeness within ourselves to navigate the years ahead, and moving toward the Sacred Feminine is essential to the Divine order.
“I believe it is vital that we know how to return to wholeness within ourselves to navigate the years ahead, and moving toward the Sacred Feminine is essential to the Divine order.”
It is up to us to create ways to be connected with our true essence.
It is a journey within the pulse and rhythm of the Universe.
It is something which we make a conscious choice to turn TOWARD with the intention to flourish it, and which then beautifully affects and blesses every other thing in our lives.
I am a Healer (just like you), and I am here to guide women and raise the vibration on this planet.
Despite all that is happening around us, this is the time to center and connect with each other with grace. The kind of grace that touches us to our core and leaves no room for anything else, only sacredness.
This IS the energy of the Sacred Feminine.
In moments of stillness, I can feel the Goddess pour into my being.
And in 2020, when so much of our world was shaken up by all the events, I felt her words come through, and I began to journal it all down.
The Call of Activation below is the result of the channeled words from the Sacred Feminine, the Goddess energy that calls us all forth to return back to her essence.
It is the call of integrating the Feminine Power into the field of our Collective Consciousness.
As time passes it becomes more and more relevant for us all to wake up from the dream of separation, and unite once again with her essence, and the core of who we truly are!
Will you take this journey with me?
Will you shift your story, create a new legacy, and make room for your expansion?
This is deep Energy Work, and it is the journey here and now.
It is the return of the Sacred Feminine, the Matriarchy.
And you are invited to this activation.
May these words vibrate through you, and initiate healing and activation!
All Photos in this blog post by Silke Tyler
Call of Activation
Through the dimensions, you journeyed
into the Matrix of time and space.
Your soul danced through endless lives
to be here now in this body,
in this ancestral line,
handed down from generation to generation,
woman to woman - daughters, mothers, grandmothers.
And you can feel the longing in your soul - the calling for your expansion.
There is so much that you knew once,
faint and almost lost
. . . the memories of the priestess, the sage, the medicine woman
and many lifetimes of having lived and died,
without ever having reached your potential.
And yet, you have returned here once again,
And the moment has arrived to take your spot
amongst our circle of women!
This time you will fulfill your promise
and fully awaken to the amazing woman you are
and embody who you were always meant to be.
You can finally release your struggles
and rest in a quiet place of grace,
as you expand with a renewed energy
your inner strength and leadership.
Through the element of air, connect to your wisdom.
Transform through the fire of internal longing.
Honor your emotions that the energy of water carries,
as you manifest your purpose with the earth’s element.
You are here to take flight!
The generations before you
have prepared you for this moment,
in the spotlight among the best,
as that is where you belong!
It is your rite of passage!
Within the darkness of the New Moon
let the quietness and the unknown in.
Leave your fears to rest there.
Acknowledge the darkness
as the creative potential
of your sacral power.
Embrace the process of your unraveling,
without shrinking, and free from fears.
You are the portal between the worlds,
seen and unseen,
as you gather your inner resources
and birth this highest version of you into this world.
And then, you rise!
Photo of Aaliyah Caitlyn Lehman at Shutterfest 2016, by Silke Tyler
Let go of everything that came before
the trauma,
the doubts,
and declare that this is where it ends!
Now, you bring it in,
and call forth your gifts!
Collect all that you have accumulated over the eons,
full of potential and wisdom.
These are the gifts of your soul and your ancestry.
It is your inheritance.
The Goddess energy,
embodied in our feminine line,
has returned once again.
And she is here to guide you.
The time has come
for you,
my dear one,
to fully embrace your essence.
The world needs you!
With your full willingness to be vulnerable,
make this commitment to yourself
and never look back.
Harness your strength and go to the source within you,
to become whole and healthy,
and embody the Goddess within.
Let go of any doubts.
You are enough!
You deserve to receive it.
No one can seize this for you, but yourself.
Step into the unknown,
into the sacredness of the true light.
With the promise of the beauty that lies ahead,
you flourish!
Finally, fully!
Activate your birthright!
Dance in the light of the Full Moon
and encompass all of your being,
in awe of discovering YOU
and in full awareness of your light.
Magnetizing your well-being and wealth to you,
you are supported and guided.
United in sisterhood.
And then, shout out to the stars:
“I am healthy and whole!
I claim my beauty,
my creativity,
my sexuality,
my authentic power!”
This is the promise of your soul,
and you are answering the call.
I celebrate you,
and the woman you are!
You are magnificent,
~ Silke Tyler, MHt, LBLt
All photos by Silke Tyler