Childhood Memories, a Virus and a Miracle - Part 4
Welcome to the last part of the series where I shared about my Grandma, Sacred Geometry, and my miracle in receiving this Symbol and my rapid recovery. In this final part, I will dive into the dynamics of the symbol and also reveal its official name, and how the energetic components of this Symbol work.
Please don’t jump ahead, as you’ll be missing out on some great stuff.
So, for now… Let’s talk energy and vibration!
If you have not worked with vibrational symbols before, you might naturally wonder how an energetic solution in the form of a 2-dimensional symbol can really do something?
On your screen as well as on paper, this Symbol is compressed down to a 2-dimensional form. To understand how this can produce a multi-dimensional and dynamic healing potential, let’s consider the analogy of a Slinky toy.
When you hold a Slinky’s coils together between your hands, it has a static nature of seeming to be a hollow cylinder. However, the minute you pull apart its coils and let its purpose unfold, the slinky becomes dynamic and responsive to how it is being used in its environment.
Once you become curious about it and place one end of the Slinky’s coils on the surface of one stair step and the other end on a lower step, it begins to move on its own because in between the spaces of the Slinky’s coils is where the potential for its energy is released.
And then there is this Flow Ring . . .
. . . With its toroidal field coming out of the center and its dynamic energy unfolded from 2D to 3D and the energy potential of 99.999999999999% empty space in between.
Just think of the unseen energy created within the movement, as it glides back and forth.
In a similar way, the compressed form of this Symbol has the potential for you to release its energy when you allow yourself to tune in to its essence. Since it is already pre-programmed for its purpose, it will naturally begin to unfold through your interaction.
And as you are now familiar with the phi ratio, you will be able to feel this sacred norm within this Symbol as it aligns everything to the creator’s energy, the God norm, and dissolves anything that is not in line with it.
If you are a Reiki practitioner, you will find it easy to work with this Symbol as you can already relate to the energetic component and the understanding of using and projecting symbols.
Just as the Reiki symbols now hold a very potent healing energy because they have been activated and used by so many people all over the world, this Symbol will continue to increase the possibility of its impact.
As symbols are birthed into creation, and they begin to take form and create momentum, they begin to develop their own morphic field which means that their purpose magnifies.
They never came from us, but through us, as everything is always within so without. It is a consistent feedback loop between us and the universe, and we always co-creating with the source, we call God. We are simply interpreting and interacting with everything here in our existence.
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
This Symbol can be used to energize your drinking water, be hung in your car and on your doors, it can be used in the creation of a crystal grid, and its energy can simply be emanated, as well as projected to areas, including your bathwater.
To understand this more deeply, you may be familiar with Dr. Emoto and his book, Healing With Water. In it, he shows endless examples of how the energy placed in water, from words written on a piece of paper to music played nearby, has a certain effect on it, and how that water can then affect us.
How Energy Healing is Gaining Momentum
This is such a great time for humanity, as we are finally awakening again to glimpses of the knowledge that ancient civilizations had here on earth.
Working with energy and vibration was the norm in advanced cultures, whose remnants are all around us, and can be seen in structures like the pyramids.
“This is such a great time for humanity, as we are finally awakening again to glimpses of the knowledge that ancient civilizations had here on earth.”
We had simply forgotten, but our collective consciousness has continued to expand and increase awareness of more than just our 3-dimensional experience.
This is illustrated in quantum physics as well as the awareness of energetic flow through our Chakras, the use of crystals as a common practice, and vibrational healing through sound therapy, just to name a few.
“We had simply forgotten, but our collective consciousness has continued to expand and increase awareness of more than just our 3-dimensional experience. ”
It is not uncommon anymore for people to get together in kirtan to chant mantras. And we are more and more embracing the idea of energetic healing as a multi-dimensional solution to anything we are facing.
I feel so grateful to have had the time during those 2 days, with no daily agenda to distract me, that I could just be able to give myself some grace through which the Symbol could emerge.
It almost feels like all of the Spiritual studies I had done over the past 30 years, in combination with my degree in Art and Design, had prepared me to be able to be the vessel for the symbol to be brought to humanity at this time.
I am offering it freely without attachment or guarantee, but with the hope that it will bring healing for the possibilities it holds.
Now, as promised, here’s the new and official name for it . . .
As its purpose is to generate an anti-wave for eliminating pathogenic frequencies, to dematerialize them, the name I have chosen, in connection with the symbol . . .
. . . is Anti-wave Generator.
For the moment, you will find it as Anti-virus Symbol through this link.
I invite you to download the Symbol, connect and work with it, share it with your friends and family, your communities, and assist me in creating a powerful grid of healing humanity and the world.
The potential exists, and it is my pleasure to release it to the best of my ability, and I am grateful to contribute goodness in this way at this time.
Thank you for reading all of this and for joining me in raising the vibration of our collective consciousness!
And if you are a woman who is passionate about developing your unique gifts and standing in your authentic power while flourishing from the inside out, I invite you to join my FREE FB community, Flourish Your Beauty.
All the best to you,