Embracing the Stillness of January: A Guide to Reflecting, Recharging, and Inner Alchemy
January is a time of year when many of us feel the need to slow down and reflect. Nature is in a state of dormancy, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season has come to a close. And while we are always being reminded of the arbitrary New Year’s Resolutions, it's important to embrace the quietness of the month as an opportunity for reflection, recharging, and inner alchemy.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of embracing this natural time of dormancy in January and how it can help us connect with our inner selves, practice self-care, and promote inner and spiritual growth. After all, this is a season of self-nourishment and allowing the seeds of new ideas to ripen.
Honoring the forgotten Cycles of Life
The ancients did not count the time from December through February as part of the new year. Instead, they celebrated the new year in the spring, when nature came back to life after the dormant winter months. This ancient way of counting time was based on the agricultural cycle and the idea that the new year should be celebrated after the difficult winter months were over.
There is a natural pause, a space between the exhale and inhale, . And January is that moment between the exaltation of December and the Influx of Energy in the Spring.
In this state of dormancy, we prepare for new growth. The time will come soon when everything will begin to emerge again and ultimately thrive and flourish. For this to happen, our body, mind, and spirit must be taken care of.
“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. ”
This season until March 21st (the time of the Spring Equinox) is a time of rejuvenation, where everything is in a process of creation and emergence. January naturally lends itself to reassessing the themes in our lives - taking an honest look from our Soul’s perspective - seeing what is and what is not working for us based on how we feel.
Our Exploration of the Stillness
There is the stillness within that is there, gently waiting, opening us to the wholeness of who we already are, untouchable. Encompassing well-being and goodness, the flow of Source that runs through us all.
When we feel this flow - and align with it and let go
We can surrender our fears and allow goodness in
We experience the wholeness of complete well-being
We are present, in love, and gather strength
It is in this flow, that the Sacred Feminine whispers her secrets. She speaks of the power of the present moment and the importance of being fully present. She reminds us that in order to truly connect with her essence, we must let go of our constant striving and instead find peace in stillness.
The benefits of creating Space to Reflect and Allow
One of the key benefits of honoring ourselves within the natural stillness of January is the ability to reflect before a new fractal begins. While the seeds of growth lie dormant, it is a gift to take time to journal on our inner thoughts and feelings, as they will guide us and open new spaces.
It is important to allow room for the lessons learned and the things we're grateful for. This reflection will not only help to process the past but also provide valuable insight for setting intentions for the future.
I want to remind you here, that you are not missing out on anything. It will all be there for you, when you emerge, rested and recharged, from a deep core. Nothing is ever lost, every experience has value, and it is all part of our Soul Journey and growth.
The stillness of January also provides an opportunity for inner alchemy, by transforming negative thoughts and emotions. Take some time to identify any patterns or thought processes that have been holding you back. Once you've identified them, actively work on transforming them. I have a powerful guide for this, my e-book ‘5 Keys To Transform Through Deep Gratitude’ which can drastically shift negative patterns.
“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”
Your Growth in Unconscious Awareness
Give yourself this time to focus on your spiritual growth, so that you may blossom with renewed energy. The element of heightened awareness in the unconscious realms of this moment can lead you to discover hidden truths about yourself and the world around you. It can bring about spiritual growth and clarity, deepening your connection with your Inner Self and the Divine.
We all are unique in our ways of connecting with Source and our Higher Self, follow your guidance for what feels right for you.
In conclusion, January may feel like a time of dormancy, but it's also an opportunity for reflection, recharging, inner alchemy, and spiritual growth.
Slowing down and going inward is the way of the Sacred Feminine. It allows us to tap into our intuition and inner wisdom, and to fully embody our feminine power. It is through this stillness and flow that we can heal ourselves, and in turn, bring healing to those around us.
Embrace the stillness of the month and use it to continue growing into your unique expression. The time of flourishing will come, and it is within this stillness, that we gather our resources for the coming year.
In closing, I want to gift you a blessing I wrote for January and this Year.